Confident Network

Connecting medical expertise – developing health together.

Our progress is driven by continuous learning, research and exchange of knowledge. We would like to shape not just the dental practice, but also scientific discourse, by constantly questioning the status quo and rethinking dentistry. 

Our vision? A platform on which professional knowledge can be exchanged, supported and evaluated. A platform that brings people together in order to cooperate in shaping the future, in making new connections between theory and practice and in continuously improving dental care for people.

Further qualifications & more.

To multiply knowledge, we need to share it. We at Confident do justice to this belief by exchanging experience and knowledge. We inform and link together patients and colleagues and all interested parties enthusiastic about dentistry with a range of courses and other formats.

  • European Association of Osseointegration

    Ceramics versus metal implants – Who would win?

    Ceramic materials are increasingly replacing metals in reconstructive dentistry. Nowadays, ceramic implants made of zirconium oxide are used as an alternative to titanium dental implants. Which is the best material for dental implants – ceramics or titanium? Take a look at “Battle of concepts: zirconia versus titanium implants" at the annual conference of the European Association of Osseointegration. 

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  • Master Course on implant therapy in edentulous patients

    How can I restore optimum function and aesthetics to a person with no teeth?

    In many countries today, a total loss of teeth, both in the upper and lower jaw, is a much rarer sight than even 30 years ago, thanks to progress in preventive dentistry. But toothlessness is still a real problem, and these days modern approaches to therapy and expertise, communicated among other methods in courses, allow for the best possible treatment for the patients affected. In 2022, PD Dr. Simone Janner was a lecturer on an international course, the “Master Course on implant therapy in edentulous patients”.

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Studies & publications

What drives us at Confident? Innovation. Setting new milestones in dentistry – with devoted research.

Always looking for new knowledge, our team is committed to various research projects, working together with universities and partners within the country and abroad. In the following text, you will find current contributions as well as selected scientific publications.

  • Minimally invasive reconstructions

    Minimally invasive reconstructions

    In vitro studies have indicated that ultra-thin ceramic veneers are equal to standard reconstructions where mechanical stability is concerned.

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  • Bone augmentation in implantology

    Bone augmentation in implantology

    A clinical study at the University of Zurich has shown that the use of customised blocks of bone replacement material leads to a more successful build up of bone volume than the standard technique for augmentation of defective bone around implants.

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  • Autografts


    The transplanting of your own teeth (autografts) can make it possible to replace missing teeth without using artificial teeth. In this clinical study at the University of Berne, autografted teeth had a high rate of success with the use of modern techniques.

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Network: Partner & more.

In order to meet the high standards we set ourselves, we frequently exchange knowledge with our partners in other branches of medicine, with universities, colleges and professional organisations. Because of this cooperation, we can guarantee an intensive exchange of knowledge among experts, linking research and practice in an interdisciplinary manner and extending far beyond the boundaries set.

  • Dental treatment under anaesthesia

    Dental treatment under general or partial anaesthesia

    If required, treatments in the Confident dental practice in Manno-Lugano are carried out under general or partial anaesthesia in cooperation with the leading Hospita Suisse anaesthetics team. This means that pain during operations can be avoided and very complex interventions can be carried out in a single session. 

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